Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Erasing Negativity

Did you know it takes at least 10 (yep ten) positives comments to overcome the effects of a negative one (one…ONE…1) TEN to ONE

How many negative comments do you hear a day?

Now…how many negative comments do your kids hear?

It is so easy for any child to become the target of cruel and negative comments and those words and comments are coming at them faster and in different forms than from years ago. Oh thanks technology! Sadly even the simplest nickname could be a negative comment to a child, I know I have a kid with the nickname Turkey! We are working on changing that, currently that nickname is only being used in the social media world…

So is it our job to build up our children’s strengths and put regular deposits in their emotional tank to counteract these negative comments? Oh I really hope you just answered YES! While a child’s self-worth shouldn’t be strictly dependent on the affirmation we give them. We affirm our kids (and others) because our encouragement can provide them with the strength they need to become their full potential.

Encourage means ‘to put courage into, to give strength.’

Are we giving strength and courage to our children each day? Several times a day? Each hour? To help them face life’s opportunities and challenges? Remember TEN to ONE!

Are we able to identify our children’s talents, qualities, abilities? Are we verbally recognizing them? Building them up verbally, emotionally, physically so they can reach for their highest potential? But how do we do this? Or improve on this?

1. PAY ATTENTION!!! Yep put down and away those electronic devices, YOU ARE MISSING YOUR CHILDS CHILDHOOD! Now pay attention to what their interests are, watch them and verbally admire their skills!

To be a positive mom, we need to spend a reasonable QUANTITY of time as well as QUALITY time with our children.

2. Until encouragement becomes a HABIT (it takes at least 21 consecutive days to form a new habit), as parents we need to remind ourselves to fill up our children’s emotional fuel tanks with accolades (praise, recognition). Sadly no one has a ‘gauge’ to let us know when that tank is full or empty so keep filling it!!!

Seize ever opportunity you can to fill that tank. But how can we give strength and encourage our kids?

1. Be specific – children (and others) recognize our sincerity when we use specific details to describe the qualities we appreciate about them.
2. Be prepared – It may seem insincere to you, but prepare positive comments in advance, especially when we know we will be attending events.
3. Be creative – try to use a variety of ways to express affirmation and encouragement, such as a note on their pillow or in their lunchbox, send them an email or even a card or note through the mail (yes the snail mail).
4. Be resourceful – Share scripture versus, meaningful quotes or picture.

What ways do you fill your child or children's emotional fuel tank or erase those negative comments? Have you reference any materials (books, videos, seminars, etc)? Any tips your willing to share?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Positive moms

What expectations do you have for yourself as a mother?

Do you want a spotless house? (Yes please!)
Perfectly mannered kids? (Definitely!)
A long list of accomplishments? (Wouldn’t hurt!)
To be known as a ‘supermom’ (Ummm yeah, why not!)
Or better yet the ‘perfect’ mom! (Now we are talking!!!)

If you are like me you may have a picture in your mind of what a mom ought to be! But is our picture realistic? Or just a glorified status of what society or what we think we should be?

What if we were just positive?

A positive mom realizes that neither circumstances nor people are perfect. She is realistic in her expectations, recognizing that her spouse and children have weaknesses as well as strengths. And most important, she humbly acknowledges that she has a fair amount of flaws too (DANGIT!)

As moms, we bring a variety of strengths, weaknesses, talents, and faults and that unique (and individual) combination not only makes us who we are, but helps us build a loving and balanced home!

So why are we tempted to compare ourselves to other women? Other moms, working moms, stay at home moms, moms to furry kids, women without kids? Is our objective as a woman to be known as the one who has accomplished the most? To win the race? To get ahead? Don’t you think that one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to stop comparing ourselves to others and live our lives for ourselves and our families?
Sadly this is where I am currently struggling. I don’t know why because I don’t recall ever comparing myself to others. In the past I haven’t cared what people thought of me nor have I compared what I believed my success in life was to others, but now I do? (What??? WHY???)

Some would say I have too high of expectations, set unrealistic goals, am too hard on myself, others say I am who and where I need to be right now. So here is my new goal, I am going to live in the moment and attempt, yes attempt because it isn’t a habit yet, to be and find the positive in my situations especially when I find myself having doubt, comparing myself to others, when my house isn’t as clean as I want it to be, and when it appears things aren’t falling into place when I think they should.

Today, I live in the quite, joyous expectation of good. ~Ernest Holmes